Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Customizable Environment Friendly Corporate GIfts | Corporate Gift Items In India

In a day and age where the climate crisis is only looming day by day, it is essential to become responsible citizens of the globe in every little way possible. When it comes to gifting too, the environmental factors must be considered. At Verve, we make sure that we serve the environment while serving our customers. We have tonnes of ‘sustainable gifting’ ideas that might interest you and will in turn contribute positively to the environment.

If you’re a stationery hoarder and any kind of stationery makes you happy, what will make you even happier is that we have 100% landfill-bound consumer waste based products. Hand-made paper, plantable pens, pencils and notepads are all available for gifting purposes at Verve.

From wrist-bands to visiting cards which are all organic and have zero impact on the environment, we cater to all your sustainable needs at Verve. We also offer customization of all this products as a personal gift always adds a better touch.

You’d be surprised to know that we also have magnetic post-it notes and bookmarks for your favourite books, which are all sustainable in nature!